November 27th, 2014

We’re celebrating the holiday at a friend’s house this year—one who, I’m happy to say, was the perfect partner in crime when it came to hatching our crazy state-souvenir table settings idea.
Whatever state you’re in this year (whether literal or metaphorical), wishing you a happy, safe and delicious Thanksgiving!
November 28th, 2013
I love the hush that takes over the house, after the turkey goes in the oven and the table is set (and the sketches sketched!), but before the guests start arriving. It’s that little breath of time that reminds me to pause and remember that every raised glass, every hug, every laugh around the table makes the world just a tiny bit better. I’m thankful for that today—and for you, for joining me here as you do.
Whether today finds you snowbound or sweltering, at work or at home—happy Thanksgiving.

November 22nd, 2012
The table is set, the wine is poured, our friends have gathered round. We have everything we could want here, and for that we’re thankful.

I wish you the same, wherever you are today. Happy Thanksgiving.

November 24th, 2011
The last of our guests will be arriving any minute, and then today will be complete.

This year we have visitors who made a thousand-mile trek, bearing gifts of California wine and citrus—as well as callers just a short neighborhood stroll away, wrapped in scarves against the damp chill in the air.

Each friend is a gift, and we raise our glasses to them in gratitude and love.
Wishing you a bountiful table with friends at every place. Happy Thanksgiving.

November 25th, 2010
We’re just about to set the table and raise our glasses. Wherever today finds you, and whatever is on your plate, have a warm and happy Thanksgiving!
November 26th, 2009
Today I am thankful for the new and old friends who surround me today; for the contrast between the wet Northwestern chill outside and the cozy warmth inside; for the beauty that is so easy to find ’round these parts; and for you. Thank you for joining me here in my little virtual space.
Happy Thanksgiving.