Attack of the ‘Goose

Jessica and I are waist-deep in the new Dead Feminist print (look for it here next week), so I’m just popping in to wave hello—and to warn you, in badly-dubbed English, about the giant goose climbing the Space Needle.
Just kidding … but they will be sending in the steamrollers. This Saturday, in the Needle’s mighty shadow, is Seattle’s biggest letterpress party of the year: Wayzgoose. The weather is supposed to be perfect, so come on over and say hi to scads of letterpress artists, print your very own keepsake in the studios, and referee the Steamroller Smackdown outside. Jessica and I won’t be steamrolling this time, but we will have a table in the marketplace—so don’t be a stranger!
Here’s the skinny:
9th Annual Seattle Wayzgoose
Saturday, August 28, 2010
1 to 6 pm
School of Visual Concepts
500 Aurora Avenue North, Seattle
More information and RSVP here
The lovely ‘Goose wranglers at SVC asked me to design this year’s postcard; I think I was watching too many Japanese monster movies at the time. But monsters and letterpress seem to go well together; the postcard is lovingly letterpress printed by the talented titans at Evolution Press
Oooooh, piffle!
I really wanted to come to this event, but noooo. Have to take the hubster on his birthday trip to the racetrack.
Ooooh, I’d love one! Thank you!
I’ve moved to the eastern part of WA and have to miss the SVC Wayzgoose this time :( Would love to have you wing me!