Daughter of Kura

Lately I’ve been doing some things that fall a little outside of what you might normally find in my studio. See figure A, above. Daughter of Kura, the debut novel by Debra Austin, is being released tomorrow, so Debra and the folks at Side x Side Creative put together an in-depth website to promote the book and give background information about the book. They asked me to contribute some illustrations to the project. (Full disclosure: I’m not the book jacket illustrator. Edited to add: the above illustration did become the jacket illustration for the book’s sequel, Mother of Asili.)
This was no ordinary illustration gig; in fact, I’d say this project was one of the biggest creative challenges I’ve faced yet. You see, Daughter of Kura is a novel about a pre-human culture—not merely prehistoric, but pre- homo sapiens. The only reference materials available were the fossil record and educated conjecture. It took a lot of research on everybody’s part to bring all of this together, and we hope you’ll be as pleased with the final product as we are. You can learn more about the book and see all of the illustrations here.
Chandler, this is just amazing. What a wonderful accomplishment for you and for the whole team. A big congratulations!
Sort of related side story …I took a human anthropology class in college over the winter break and it was so incredibly interesting… our final in the class was to identify this one skull and to back up our decision. It was so hard – but I learned a lot!
Very cool, Chandler! I really enjoyed the “Clan of the Cave Bear” series so this book looks like it’s right up my alley!