Sugar serifs

What with a string of out-of-town visitors and deadlines to distract us, the Tailor and I let our first anniversary slide by without much fanfare. This week, however, we remembered the nostalgic, circa-early-1980s, licensed-character Wilton cake pans we borrowed from his parents last winter, and decided a belated, totally un-wedding-like anniversary cake was in order. (Sane people just go out for a nice dinner.)
When I was a kid I loved the weird, hairy-looking frosting on those Cookie Monster and Pac Man cakes, but I don’t remember actually having one at any of my birthdays (I usually requested pumpkin pie, still my favorite). So this was my chance to both relive and rewrite my childhood—and to try my hand at creating that bizarre, strangely satisfying frosting texture.
The Tailor found a white cake recipe in our favorite cook book (we have three copies!), and we modified an icing recipe to include only butter, sugar, vanilla and cream (about the only thing you’ll ever see me using shortening for is cleaning letterpress equipment). Then I noticed that the cake mold left room to write a message in icing—and my eyes strayed to my decorating tip, which was shaped curiously like a calligraphy pen nib. So I couldn’t resist attempting a little edible typography. The cake wasn’t large enough to write “Happy Anniversary” with any typographic flair—and that’s not my style anyway. So I went with something a little more down-to-earth, and, well, appropriate to the medium:
(We did. Most joyfully. My edible kerning needs some work, though…)
Well, that was good for a belly laugh first thing in the morning. And ye gods, I had forgotten about those character cakes…
Happy Anniversary, and I wish you many more.
To funny!!! Congratulations!
Adorable! And I think your kerning is pretty darn good for frosting calligraphy.
Pumpkin Pie=Best dessert ever and Shortening=Disgusting. Glad we agree on those two points.
Happy Anniversary!
EAT ME! Laughing over here.
Hey- we are weird together- I always requested pumpkin pie as well :-) It must be a November birthday thing ;-)