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Girl power

"Kiki" magazine with feature on the "Dead Feminists" series by Chandler O'Leary and Jessica Spring

Jessica and I have had some seriously huge smiles for the past couple of days: we just received our copies of the latest issue of Kiki Magazine, which contains a feature on the Dead Feminists!

Before we were contacted for an interview, neither of us had heard of the magazine, but I can tell you that we became instant fans when we read its mission. Unlike so many other magazines written for teenage girls, which usually (even if inadvertently) tend to focus on questioning one’s body, popularity, attractiveness and overall self-worth, Kiki aims to empower girls with self-esteem, confidence, and a wide variety of knowledge and skills. As someone who is generally dismayed by the lack of respect with which our society tends to treat girls and women, and the self-loathing and doubts still being ingrained from their earliest experiences onward, Kiki seems like a breath of fresh air—and a huge relief.

"Kiki" magazine feature on the "Dead Feminists" series by Chandler O'Leary and Jessica Spring

And hey—who are we really creating these broadsides for, anyway? What is it that we’re trying to change in our world? It’s not just about the social issues we cover with each piece—it’s about teaching the women and girls around us that they can be heard, that what they say and do matters.

"Kiki" magazine feature on the "Dead Feminists" series by Chandler O'Leary and Jessica Spring

So Kiki gets an A-plus in my book, not just for the thoughtful content (no ads! No boy-crazy quizzes! All substance!), but for the fantastic design! This thing is seriously fun to read and gorgeous to look at. And look! My favorite part:

"Kiki" magazine feature on the "Dead Feminists" series by Chandler O'Leary and Jessica Spring

Rock on, Kiki. We’re honored to be a part of what you do.