Turning the page

This might seem a little strange, coming from me, but the New Year’s resolution at the top of my “art” category is to draw more.
I mean that I’d like to spend more time with my sketchbooks—with everything else that happened last year, there just didn’t seem to be a spare second for observing the moment and jotting it down.
The daily book was about the only thing that received any attention, and even it spent the entire year on the back-back-back burner.
I still have quite a bit of catching up to do there, though—
so that’s where I’m going to start.
It’s a daunting prospect; even just filling in half-finished sketches (maybe I should have shown you those instead!) amounts to a huge time investment, and a mountain of work.
But I’ll get there. And besides, it’s those last two blank slots on every page that interest me the most.
They stand for the future that’s unwritten, and I find I can’t imagine what could possibly complete the picture—nor could I ever have predicted what has ended up here thus far.
When I first started this project, it seemed like a painfully slow undertaking.
But now I’m surprised at how quickly the book is filling up,
and I’m anxious to find out what will fill out this page—and the next, and the next.
Well, today I flip the book back to the beginning, pencil in hand—and so I’ll find out soon enough.
Happy New Year!
the CLAAAAW is watching!
These pages are such a delight and inspiration! Best of luck with your resolution – the rest of us will surely benefit. :)
i admire your stamina and determination to get it all in there! and i’ll say it again and again, i love seeing your drawings… happy new year!
This is probably my favorite project of yours. It’s nice to see that there is no bleed-through on the pages, too. Wherever did you find that journal, anyway?
such a great motivator, good on you!
thanks for the cards too, loved it!
Wow. I love this idea, even though it’s not something I could do myself! I’m trying to envision how to translate it to my life. Very, very cool!